10 Herbs for Better Sleep and How to Use Them {plus 3 "sleepy" tea recipes} (2024)

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10 Herbs for Better Sleep and How to Use Them {plus 3 "sleepy" tea recipes} (2)

We all know that getting enough sleep is important, for both health and happiness. But many of us just can’t get the sleep we need. Whether you suffer from occasional sleeplessness or chronic insomnia, these herbs may help.

After the list of 10 sleep herbs (and why they’re helpful), I’ll share 3 easy tea blends you could be drinking tonight before bed!

1. Chamomile

Chamomile promotes sleep with a wonderful calming effect. It is usually taken as a tea before bedtime, and is widely available commercially, but you can also make your own by pouring boiling water over dried flowers and letting it steep for five to ten minutes. If you find it hard to relax at bedtime, or if you suffer from tummy troubles that keep you awake, this is the tea for you!

Please note that those who are allergic to ragweed or asters may also have allergic reactions to chamomile.

2. Valerian

Valerian is the most scientifically tested sleep herb. As a long-term insomniac, it is the one herb I turn to again and again. It calms the nervous system, which greatly decreases stress-induced sleeplessness, and can be taken in capsule, tea, or tincture form. I personally have great success with the tincture.

3. Skullcap (American)

Skullcap is a lesser-known herb — a mild relaxant that relieves nervous tension and anxiety and is thus an excellent sleep aid. It is often recommended in combination with valerian in a tea or tincture.

4. Lavender (English)

Lavender is perhaps the most well-known sleep herb, and for good reason. There are many lavender sleep aids available commercially as it has long been known as a muscle-relaxer and sedative. Dried lavender is often made into small sleep pillows, which can be tucked under your pillow, where the scent will help you sleep better all night long. Lavender can also be made into a tea, either on its own, or in combination with other herbs.

5. Hops

Hops helps to relieve anxiety, insomnia, and restlessness. Some sources say it might help to reduce hot flashes during menopause, a definite sleep-disruptor for women! It can be taken in capsule, tincture, or tea form. In a tea, combine with other herbs to reduce its bitterness, or brew with stevia leaf, or stir in some honey.

6. Passionflower

Passionflower is another sedative herb with scientific backing! Passionflower has a tranquilizing effect, treating insomnia, anxiety, and nervousness. Drink as a tea, either on its own, or in combination with other herbs.

7. Oats

Not just a breakfast food! Oat seeds are often recommended to treat anxiety and exhaustion. The latter is a great benefit for long-term insomnia sufferers. Drink as a tea, usually in combination with other herbs.

8. Lemon Balm

Lemon balm has been used to promote sleep since the Middle Ages. It is especially helpful for stress or anxiety-induced sleeplessness. Drink as a tea. It has a lovely lemony flavor. It is often recommended for children due to its gentleness and mild flavor.

9. California Poppy

California Poppy is a gentle muscle-relaxant, mild pain reliever, and helpful for anxiety, nervousness, and hyperactivity. Can be taken as a tea or tincture, although the tea is bitter. Another mild herb that is said to be safe for all ages.

10. Catnip

Catnip has been used as a sedative for at least 2000 years. It has similar compounds to valerian, but is also helpful for colds, fevers, and indigestion. It is usually taken as a tea, either on its own or combined with other herbs. It isn’t recommended during pregnancy, but it is deemed safe for use by children.

Deep Sleep Tea Blends

Here are a few tea combinations to put you to sleep!

Relaxing Blend

Rosemary Gladstar’s Blend

Simple Blend

To make any of these teas, combine 1 to 2 tablespoons of tea blend with 1 cup boiling water. Let steep for at least 20 minutes. Strain out herbs and drink. Larger batches can be made and stored in the fridge for later use. Some herbalists recommend drinking smaller amounts of tea over several hours before bed, rather than a whole cup at once.

Although herbs are natural healers, many of them (including those listed here) have strong properties and should not be used while pregnant, taken with certain medications, or used by young children. Please seek out the advice of your doctor or natural health practitioner before using.

Do you use herbs to help you sleep? Which are your favorites?

This post was featured in 20 Homemade Herbal Gifts.

...without giving up the foods you love or spending all day in the kitchen!

10 Herbs for Better Sleep and How to Use Them {plus 3 "sleepy" tea recipes} (3)

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10 Herbs for Better Sleep and How to Use Them {plus 3 "sleepy" tea recipes} (4)

About Andrea Sabean

Andrea is an artisan and teacher trying to live a handmade and homemade lifestyle with her husband in Eastern Canada. She is passionate about growing her own food, cooking healthy meals, using herbs for healing, nurturing creativity, and finding joy and blessings in the every-day moments of life. She writes about all of this, plus her adventures in sewing and crafting and bringing children’s drawings to life at Artisan in the Woods.

Reader Interactions


  1. 10 Herbs for Better Sleep and How to Use Them {plus 3 "sleepy" tea recipes} (5)Jenny says

    I loved this article! Thank you so much Andrea. I have had good success with lavender myself. I put a few drops of lavender essential oil into a hot bath right before bed at night. If I have it I will also combine it with chamomile. I’ll hang on to this for future reference.


  2. 10 Herbs for Better Sleep and How to Use Them {plus 3 "sleepy" tea recipes} (6)CC Sandy Lee says

    Thank you so much for these recipes and suggestions. Refreshing sleep seems to elude so many of us these days. I love to give friends herbal teas as “Just Because” gifts. The only things I might add (for the tummy) are a bit of dried, grated ginger, a pinch of peppermint, and some sweet fennel seeds. I love the idea of sipping through the evening before bed. Good to hydrate, prevents heart attacks.


    • 10 Herbs for Better Sleep and How to Use Them {plus 3 "sleepy" tea recipes} (7)Andrea Sabean says

      Lovely suggestions. Ginger, peppermint and fennel would give the tea a beautiful flavour, too. Thank you for sharing!


  3. 10 Herbs for Better Sleep and How to Use Them {plus 3 "sleepy" tea recipes} (8)Faye says

    What brand do you recommend for these herbs? I have been researching essential oils and have come to understand that all brands are not created equal. The two brands that I came across highly recommended were Rocky Mountain oils that recently merged with Native American Traditionals.


    • 10 Herbs for Better Sleep and How to Use Them {plus 3 "sleepy" tea recipes} (9)Andrea Sabean says

      Hi Faye, I personally grow my own herbs or purchase them from a local seller. However, if you click on any of the herb names above you will be taken to Mountain Rose Herbs, which is highly regarded. It is somewhat easier to identify quality herbs vs quality essential oils. You want to know that they are fresh, that they have been grown organically, and are sustainably harvested. I think you will find Mountain Rose Herbs has a commitment to all three.


      • 10 Herbs for Better Sleep and How to Use Them {plus 3 "sleepy" tea recipes} (10)Faye says

        Thank you I will check them out.


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10 Herbs for Better Sleep and How to Use Them {plus 3 "sleepy" tea recipes} (2024)


What is the strongest herbal tea for sleep? ›

Valerian root is effective as a sleep aid due to the two naturally occurring sedatives within it called valepotriates and sesquiterpenes. In one study, nearly 90% of people reported improvements in sleep after drinking valerian tea.

What is the most effective herb for sleep? ›

Valerian (Valeriana officinalis) Valerian is the most studied plant for sleep disorders.

What tea ingredients make you sleepy? ›

The best teas for sleep are typically a type of herbal tea that is caffeine-free. Some herbal teas like chamomile and lemon balm contain compounds that promote sleep. Other teas that may help you fall and stay asleep include lavender, rooibos, and valerian.

What tea is good for sleep and anxiety? ›

Chamomile Tea

This compound binds itself to your brain's benzodiazepine receptors, which can help decrease anxiety and induce sleep.

What tea is the most sedating? ›

To help fall asleep, drink a cup of chamomile tea about 45 minutes before bedtime to maximise its sedative effect. Add a splash of honey to your cup or enjoy our chamomile blend on its own to breathe in subtle flavours of floral sweetness and apple.

What is the healthiest tea to drink before bed? ›

Best Tea for Sleep

Chamomile Tea: Chamomile tea has long been used as a bedtime tea because it is caffeine-free and helps induce sleep. It is also known to decrease stress and anxiety which can help you fall asleep quicker. Green Tea: Although green tea has caffeine, it can actually help you sleep.

What is the Chinese herb for sleep? ›

The most common herbal formulae for insomnia included Wen dan tang, Suan zao ren tang, Ban xia shu mi tang, and Gui pi tang. The most frequently cited herb was suan zao ren (Ziziphi spinosae sem*n).

What herb is used as a sedative? ›

Chamomile in the form of an aqueous extract has been frequently used as a mild sedative to calm nerves and reduce anxiety, to treat hysteria, nightmares, insomnia and other sleep problems (33).

What is the best natural sleep aid for the elderly? ›

Effective Natural Sleep Supplements for Older Adults
  • Magnesium. Magnesium, an essential mineral involved in numerous bodily processes, also plays a vital role in sleep regulation. ...
  • Melatonin. ...
  • Valerian. ...
  • 5-HTP. ...
  • Lavender Oil.
Jun 5, 2023

Is it okay to drink sleepytime tea every night? ›

Unless you have an allergy related to the herbs in any of the sleepytime teas, they are fairly safe as a bedtime sleep aid. However, there are some risks associated with overuse. Valerian, one ingredient of sleepytime tea, could cause some negative side effects.

What's in Yogi bedtime tea? ›

Lavender and valerian root envelop us in warmth, while the flavour of fragrant herbs such as mint and sage bring us calm. The tea for everyone who wants to gently round off their day.

What tea is good before bed for weight loss? ›

Chamomile tea

Chamomile not only stimulates weight loss but also flushes out harmful toxins from the body. A hot cup of chamomile tea is just what you need before bed.

How to fall asleep fast? ›

How to fall asleep faster and sleep better
  1. Have good sleep routine (sleep hygiene)
  2. Relax, unwind and try meditation to help you sleep.
  3. Try mindfulness for sleep.
  4. Create the right sleep environment.
  5. Do not force sleep.
  6. Improve sleep through diet and exercise.

Does cinnamon help you sleep? ›

The cinnamon extract increased serotonin and melatonin levels and decreased norepinephrine levels in the insomnia-induced group. Cinnamon extract has potential as an anti-insomnia medication through hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal axis improvement and brain neurotransmitter regulation in an animal model of insomnia.

Is there a tea that helps with insomnia? ›

People drink chamomile tea to treat insomnia because of its calming effects. Older research suggests that its effect on sleep comes from its flavonoid content. Apigenin is a flavonoid that binds to benzodiazepine receptors in the brain, which has a sedative effect.

What herbal tea keeps you awake? ›

If you are feeling tired, here's our pick of the 7 best herbal teas for low energy.
  • Green Tea. From the same plant as black tea, green tea contains caffeine, so it can give you a quick boost of energy when you need it. ...
  • Ginger. ...
  • Ashwagandha. ...
  • Chamomile. ...
  • Astragalus. ...
  • Ginseng. ...
  • Lemon Balm.
Jan 12, 2024

What herbs make you sleepy? ›

While chamomile, lavender, peppermint, and valerian are some of the best herbs for sleep, there are a few other sleep-supporting herbs you may want to add to your medicine cabinet. (However, be aware that studies on how these natural herbs work and their effectiveness are limited).

What tea is best for sleep and weight loss? ›

03/6​Chamomile tea

It helps by increasing the levels of glycine in the body, which is a kind of neurotransmitter that relaxes your nerves and makes you feel sleepy. It is also good for an upset stomach. Studies also suggest that chamomile tea helps in controlling blood sugar level and promotes weight loss.

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Introduction: My name is Rubie Ullrich, I am a enthusiastic, perfect, tender, vivacious, talented, famous, delightful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.