Gacha Poopy Pants: Into the Poopyverse - Chapter 9 - moefa*g (2024)

Chapter Text

After finally leaving Karma Island, they were pleasantly surpised to find the lands of Goilky."Are you sure this place is safe.."inspected Sarvente."I dunno but I'm gonna check out that hotel over there" said Juuzou, pointing at the building."Me too!" exclaimed Cartman."I'm with him" joined Crepe."Are you slow?! This is obviously a trap!" Popuko yelled after them."Nananana, I'm going to the hotel and you're not!" Cartman jeered."Why I outta" griped Popuko, waving her fist."Relax Popuko he's only ten" Pipimi said, placing her hand on Popuko's shoulder."I don't care if he's ten, twenty, or one hundred, I'm beating his ass!" sneered Popuko. She ran into the hotel after him. Sarvente looked around."This place looks abandoned, I hardly see any staff" inspected Sarvente."Nuh uh, check out this note" said Juuzou, waving a paper. It read: "Won't be back till 2pm - Two"."I wonder who this Two is..." said Juuzou."I wonder where that twat is!" barged in Popuko. Cartman hid behind the front desk."Well whoever this Two is, they won't be here until later on today" said Sarvente."Sheesh, how long were we been trapped on karma island?" groaned Luka."A few hours at most, you don't wanna know how long we've been there" shivered Will Wood."Now we can put that behind us, I say we make room reservations" insisted Alastor."Hello! There's no staff!" griped Luka."That's not stopping us from finding our own rooms" chirped Juuzou. Cacao walked in."Has anyone seen Cartman?" he wondered."Ive been looking for him too" said Popuko cracking her knuckles."Hey Cacaco, could you go get the others from outside? We're figuring out the room arrangements and we need to figure out who's sleeping with who" said Sarvente. Cacao nodded."I'm sure Taki would love to sleep with you" teased Luka. Sarvente blushed.

After Cacao called them in, the sleeping arrangements were made. Crepe and Cartman , Sarvente and Taki, Luka and Gwenpool, Juuzou and Clover, Nikolai and Hajime, Drake and EDP, Popuko and Pipimi, Will Wood and Alastor, Cacao and Baldi, Yuki and Yuno, Tails and Kenny ,Stan and Kyle, lastly Mark Zuckerberg and Thomas Jefferson."Make sure the boys are on a different floor than EDP" said Cacao, glaring at EDP."There's some keys for the rooms in here" said Juuzou, opening a drawer behind the reception desk."Let's meet up after we go to our rooms" suggested Sarvente."Sounds like a plan to me" said Kotone. Popuko was practically exhausted, she just wanted this day to be over. She was blinking up a storm in order to stay awake."Let's get you to bed" said Pipimi, catching her drift. Pipimi led Popuko to their room. She checked the number on the card given to her."220,221, aha 222!" exclaimed Pipimi. She swiped the card and unlocked the door. Popuko threw herself onto one of the beds."So tired.." she grumbled."We sure had an eventful day" said Pipimi."My head hurts, I wish Sonico was here" whined Popuko."Too bad she had to go to a modeling session, I'm bet there's some painkillers around here somewhere" said Pipimi."Eh, I need a real doc" said Popuko, face planting face first into her pillow. Popuko let out a loud yawn and closed her eyes."Good Night" Pipimi said warmly."Mm night" slurred Popuko, dozing off. Seconds later she was out cold. Pipimi giggled. She planted a kiss on Popuko's forehead, afterwards she snuggled into her own bed and called it a night.

Alastor was exploring the hotel lobby, when something caught his eye. A jukebox to be exact. It wasn't a radio, but it would make do. He fiddled around with the music stations until the instrumental of Hotline Bling started to play."You used to call me on my..." Drake started."Now this won't do" Alastor said, shaking his head. He snapped his fingers and put on a tune more his style. Juuzou jumped up and started to tap dance."I Didn't know you tap danced" gasped Clover."Me neither!" said Juuzou, just as surprised. Luka tapped her foot and nodded her head to the beat. It wasn't really her style but she enjoyed the sound. Gwen noticed and the biggest smirk appeared on her face."Don't you even think about it" said Luka menacingly."If Rui got you to dance then I know I can" sneered Gwen. Luka didn't budge. Gwen tugged her on the arm and pulled Luka out of her seat. She spun her around. Luka blushed in embarrassment."Come on, you know you like it" Gwen said smugly. Drake started to do the tootsie slide."Left foot up, right foot side" he sung to himself."Afraid that's not the kind of vibe we are looking for here" said Alastor. He snapped his fingers once again, this time his shadow appeared. It grabbed Drake by the legs and dragged him out of the room. Alastor chuckled."You go girl!" cheered Sarvente, who was watching from the sidelines."It'd be nicer if it were with you" said Luka, being spun till she was dizzy. Sarvente leapt out her seat. Taki took her hand."Let me have this dance" she said as her hands shifted towards Sarvente's waist. Sarvente smiled, although a bit taken aback. They began a waltz. Luka stuck out her tongue playfully and blew a raspberry. Will Wood ran in with some swim trunks on."There's a pool!" uttered Will Wood. Taki got a devious smirk on her face.

"I really don't think I wanna see a body of water after happened" said Kotone, examining the pool."You don't have to get in you know" said Rui. Juuzou did a cannonball into the water. Splash! "My hair!" shrieked Kotone."Whoopsie daisy" he said awkwardly."It had finally gotten dry.." she mumbled."Hey where'd you get that swimwear?" asked Rui."Alastor used his cultural appropriation powers to give us some" replied Juuzou."Check out what he made for Sarvente to wear!" said Kotone, pointing at the succubus. She was wearing a black one piece suit with several cutouts."Taki totally requested that" said Luka, swimming up to them."From the flustered look on her face, we can tell" tittered Kotone. Sarvente was making her way to the hot tub where Taki was waiting for her."What do you think..." she simpered."Wow, you look...stunning" Taki said in awe. Taki was analyzing every curve on her body."You've seen me naked before" said Sarvente, stepping in the hot tub."That doesn't mean you don't take my breath away every time I see you" cooed Taki. Sarvente slid closer towards Taki and leaned in. Luka was making kissy faces and noises in the back. Just then Drake entered the hot tub."So much for a romantic night" said Taki gritting her teeth."I like girls too" said Drake, crossing his arms behind his head. Sarvente and Taki scoffed. Sarvente's hand began to glow."YOUCH!" shrieked Drake as something spiked him from under the water. He hopped out of the hot tub and jumped into the pool."Good one" said Taki, amused."You got my cupcake wet!" twined EDP from the snack bar, completely drenched."Personally I think you should put off the cupcakes" sneered Baldi. Will Wood started to set up some loud speakers."In celebration of finally leaving karama island, I'm giving you all a personal concert!" he exclaimed. Everyone cheered except for Drake, he poked out his lips. As Will Wood played, various objects poured out of the hotel.

"Looks like Will has accumulated an audience" said Baldi."Let's go back to our room, so we can have some more privacy" whispered Sarvente sensually. Taki grinned."Let me join!" cried Drake. Taki grabbed one of the objects, who happened to be a chainsaw."Hey put me down!" he demanded. Taki didn't listen though, as she started chasing Drake."Now where are you going?" Luka asked as if she didn't know the answer."I think you already have an idea" said Sarvente."Don't leave yet, this party is SOOO lame!" protested Luka."Sorry Luka, but another second without intercourse could kill me" Sarvente said unseriously."Okay, now I'm sure he'll leave us alone" panted Taki, making her way back to Sarvente."Took you long enough" pouted Sarvente."Fiesty are we?" teased Taki. Sarvente's eyes were illuminated with magenta."I don't want to wait another second" said Sarvente, on the verge of going full swing succubus."Ugh! The kids are still here" said Luka with visible disgust."Won't make you wait any longer" grinned Taki. Sarvente's wings popped out as she took Taki into her arms. She flew straight to the window of their room."Let's hope Will's music will be loud enough" Luka joked. Sarvente broke the window open, glass flying everywhere. Taki shed her bikini. Sarvente licked her lips as she tore snapped away her one piece. Sarvente crawled on the bed, inching closer to her lover."Such a good girl~" said Taki, stroking her horns. Sarvente placed a hand to to her cheek."And so wet" said Taki, running her fingers through Sarvente's folds. Sarvente moaned. Taki licked her fingers, sucking them real slowly."Just f*ck me already!" Sarvente whined."As you wish" Taki said, delighted."I've been craving you for so long" whimpered Sarvente.

Yuno and Yuki were on the top of the roof. Yuno dreamily stared into the sky."Remember when you promised you'd stargaze with me?" beamed Yuno."I don't remember saying that.." replied Yuki confused. Yuno had to remind herself that this wasn't the same Yuki as before, even if they were the same boy. Urineland's lack of a Yuno had caused Yuki to develop alternate memories. Yuno frowned, it seemed like the moment would be less special."Is that why you brought me up here?" he asked. She nodded weakly. Yuki looked up into the night sky."The stars are beautiful" he admired. Yuno still looked disappointed though."B-but not as beautiful as you of course!" he stammered. Yuno smiled and pecked him on the cheek."What made you think I said that anyways" asked Yuki."Oh nothing!" she brushed off."Yuno, if something's bothering you just tell me" affirmed Yuki."It's really nothing" Yuno insisted."Well since we're being honest, your friend kinda bothers me" said Yuki."Popuko?!" she uttered."I think she doesn't like me.." he said glumly."She's a man hating lesbian, of course she doesn't like you" Yuno huffed."I thought she hated everyone" said Yuki."No, she does" shrugged Yuno."Well can you make her...not...hate me?" Yuki asked awkwardly."You don't need her approval, you're perfect to me" she scoffed."She's still your friend, I don't her to stay mad at me" said Yuki."The only way to get on her good side is to leave my side" she said distastefully. Yuki's focus shifted to the stars."I don't want to ruin your friendship" he said somberly."We'll talk about that later, right now I wanna enjoy my time with you" she smiled. Yuno sat next to him and laid her head on his shoulder. He scooted away."I think I'm gonna go to bed" he said abruptly."Already?" whined Yuno."See you in the morning!" he said, rushing to the door. Yuno's eyes widened in bewilderment.

"Did everyone sleep well?" chirped Sarvente. She was met by a bunch of shaken heads."Well I have good news, I called Rex on the hotel phone and he'll be here to get us in a few minutes" she announced. Yuno noticed Yuki was being awfully distant. She then glared at Popuko. Her fault. "Popuko, we need to talk!" Yuno growled. Yuki sunk into his chair."Maybe if we had a little privacy and didn't yell across the room!" quipped Popuko. Yuno huffed deeply and trotted towards Popuko."Why can't you just be supportive of me?!" Yuno whisper-shouted."I'd be more supportive if you had better taste in men, I mean look at that wimp!" sneered Popuko."I can't believe you..."Yuno said angrily."I can't believe you abandoned us- me for some boy" Popuko shot back."You don't have to respect my choice but you do need to respect my boyfriend" tensed up Yuno."What if I don't?! You'll choose him over me anyways!" blurted Popuko. Yuno's eyes widened."I don't understand why I have to choose between two people I care about" said Yuno sheepishly."Because now that some stupid boy is involved you hardly have time for me, at least with Rex I never had to worry about him taking you away from me" cried Popuko. Yuno stared at Popuko guiltily."Now you quite literally are a world away and I feel so alone!" she continued."But Pipimi and the others will be there for you" assured Yuno."Yuno, you were always there for me, even in the darkest times. And I sure as hell love having Pipimi back but I love having you as my friend even more" said Popuko."But Pipimi-" Yuno said before being cut off."Don't worry about Pipimi! We're drifting apart and you moving out isn't doing sh*t" wept Popuko."Look, we don't have to be BFFS or anything but can we just get along for Yuno's sake" groaned Yuki.Popuko grumbled but agreed since her pettiness wasn't getting her anywhere. The two actually had a civil conversation for once, leaving Yuno surprised."The ship is here!" called Sarvente.

"Home sweet home!" cheered Clover. Juuzou started kissing the ground."Now what?" asked Crepe."We stay home and chill, I've had enough adventures for a while" said Cacao."We'd better be heading home now too" said Luka."So soon?" whined Sarvente."Mhmm, Teto doesn't have all day with the teleporter" replied Luka. Popuko turned to Yuno."Bye bye!" she said tearfully yet with content."Bye, Popuko!" Yuki said. Popuko waved happily."This broadcast is ending soon too, come on gentlemen" said Alastor."Wait where are you dudes going?" asked Rex."We're the bussy hunters, we've got work to do" said Miku binder."Being trapped on that island totally f*cked our schedule" said Will Wood."We could use some new recruits too!" exclaimed Drake."Good luck with that..." said Sarvente."Hey guys..." said a familiar voice in the background."Kuprum?!" everyone said in unison."I thought you died?!" said a flabbergasted Luka."Me too, but being the sigma I am, I managed to escape" he snorted. All his teammates swattled him in a hug."Long live the king!" beamed Nikolai."Kuprum, I'm really sorry I let Jojo give you aids" Hajime said remorsefully."No biggie, unlike Cartman, at least you and Nikolai are the only members who appreciate me" said Kuprum. Kotone, Luka, Rui, and Gwen were wiping their hands off on their clothes."I can't believe I touched him!" gagged Kotone."I'm gonna touchyou" said Kuprum."We getting freaky" said Drake."The only freak here is you, now out of my sight" snapped Taki. Drake and his fellow bussy hunters exited the premise. The other Gacha Poopy Pants warriors went through a portal made by the teleporter."You know what this calls for?" said Clover as he pulled out a brand guitar given to him by Will Wood. Everyone collectively groaned yet no one stopped him.

Gacha Poopy Pants: Into the Poopyverse - Chapter 9 - moefa*g (2024)
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Name: Jeremiah Abshire

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Introduction: My name is Jeremiah Abshire, I am a outstanding, kind, clever, hilarious, curious, hilarious, outstanding person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.