Healthy Sweet Potato Brownies Recipe | Healthy Snack (2024)

by Lindsay 66 Comments

Hi Friends!

As promised, I’m here with a treat for you today! Healthy Sweet Potato Brownies!

Healthy Sweet Potato Brownies Recipe | Healthy Snack (1)

I’ve made two batches of these in the past week. They’re both gone. The original batch I made using Nuttzo! (Check out tomorrow’s post for more info on how much I’m loving Nuttzo!) I actually came up with the idea for these brownies while I was thinking about how I could use the Chocolate Nuttzo to bake! Chocolate immediately made me think of brownies so I settled on those…but I hate how unhealthy most brownie recipes are. I decided I would try using dates to sweeten theses brownies and also threw in some sweet potatoes to keep them moist!

I made the first batch with chocolate Nuttzo and they passed the hubby test! That’s when I realized I might have a winner. Then I made a second batch to take to our Memorial Day cookout. My father-in-law loves peanut butter brownies so I used regular peanut butter for the second batch. Even my mother-in-law, who never eats dessert, ate one…so I call that a major win!

Here’s the recipe:


Sweet Potato Brownies

Healthy Sweet Potato Brownies Recipe | Healthy Snack (2)

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Vegetables in a brownie? You bet! But these tasty sweets will be gone before you have time to tell anyone.

  • Author: Author: Lindsay L
  • Prep Time: 10 minutes
  • Cook Time: 20 minutes
  • Total Time: 30 minutes



  • (8×8 pan)
  • 11/4 c chopped, pitted dates
  • 1/2 c cooked sweet potato, mashed
  • 3/4 c nut butter
  • 2 eggs
  • 1/3 c unsweetened cocoa powder
  • 1/4 c applesauce
  • 3/4 tsp baking soda
  • 2/3 c dark chocolate chips


  1. Put the dates, sweet potato and nut butter in a food processor and process until smooth.
  2. Add the eggs and applesauce and process until mixed.
  3. Sift in the cocoa powder and baking soda and pulse until combined.
  4. Stir in the chocolate chips.
  5. Spoon into a greased 8×8 pan and bake at 375 degrees for 15-20 minutes until a toothpick inserted in comes out clean.
  6. Optional frosting: When cooled, top with nut butter, or melt nut butter and more chocolate chips in the microwave, stir to combine and spread over brownies.

Pretty simple, right?

Healthy Sweet Potato Brownies Recipe | Healthy Snack (3)

A word of warning…these are not super sweet. So don’t expect a traditional brownie. For hubby and I, who don’t like super sweet stuff, they’re perfect. If you’re worried they won’t be sweet enough for you, adding the melted chocolate chip/pb frosting adds some sweetness! At our cookout, I served them frosted with a scoop of ice cream…DELISH! Also, they’re more like cakey brownies, not fudgy. My guess would be if you added another egg they’d be fudgier but I haven’t tried it.

Healthy Sweet Potato Brownies Recipe | Healthy Snack (4)

My best advice. Make these…serve them to your friends and family but don’t tell them the ingredients! I bet they’ll be a big hit!


Healthy Sweet Potato Brownies Recipe | Healthy Snack (5)


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Healthy Sweet Potato Brownies Recipe | Healthy Snack (6)

About Lindsay

Lindsay Livingston is a Registered Dietitian and new mom from Columbus, Ohio. On her blog, she shares simple, healthy recipes, nutrition tips, workouts and snapshots of her life. Follow her on Twitter @LeanGrnBeanBlog and Instagram @TheLeanGreenBean and be sure to subscribe via RSS or email so you never miss a post!

Reader Interactions


  1. Healthy Sweet Potato Brownies Recipe | Healthy Snack (7)Debbie @ Live from La Quinta says

    Hmm, these sound delicious. Do you think I could substitute a flax egg for the egg?


  2. Healthy Sweet Potato Brownies Recipe | Healthy Snack (9)Heather @ Kiss My Broccoli says

    If you won over a non-dessert lover, you have my interest for sure! Nah, actually I was sold from the title alone…LOVE sweet potatoes…in ANYTHING! And chocolate and peanut butter ALWAYS wins! Yum yum!


  3. Healthy Sweet Potato Brownies Recipe | Healthy Snack (10)Katrina Ninjarina says

    I saw that title of this post and was like “whhaaaat?!” These look amazing! Must must try!


  4. Healthy Sweet Potato Brownies Recipe | Healthy Snack (11)[emailprotected] says

    I’m going to post this blog page on my mother-in-law’s FB page right now! She’s going to love this recipe!


  5. Healthy Sweet Potato Brownies Recipe | Healthy Snack (12)GiGi Eats Celebrities says

    My obsession – Butternut Squash! I hear that Sweet Potatoes & Butternut Squash are very similar in taste, but I cannot look at Sweet Potatoes… I had a BAD experience with them back in the day! LOL


  6. Healthy Sweet Potato Brownies Recipe | Healthy Snack (13)Helen says

    I’m saving this recipe! Once I have all the ingredients, I’m going to make it. Thanks for sharing. It looks delicious! =)


  7. Healthy Sweet Potato Brownies Recipe | Healthy Snack (14)Amanda @ .running with spoons. says

    So I’m pretty sure I didn’t do myself any favors by reading this recipe at 11 PM. I want ALL the brownies!! I’ve never had one with sweet potato in it, but I’m a big fan of those orange gems, so I can imagine they’d be great in brownie form as well.


  8. Healthy Sweet Potato Brownies Recipe | Healthy Snack (15)Angela @ Happy Fit Mama says

    I must make these asap! I love the ingredient list AND it’s everything that I have stocked in my kitchen all the time. Thanks for sharing!


  9. Healthy Sweet Potato Brownies Recipe | Healthy Snack (17)Danielle @ It's A Harleyyy Life says

    wow total yum! I’m sure if my family knew what was in them they wouldn’t eat them but they would love them!


  10. Healthy Sweet Potato Brownies Recipe | Healthy Snack (18)Mary Lou Harris says

    Love sweet potatoes! Will try this before the week is out.


  11. Healthy Sweet Potato Brownies Recipe | Healthy Snack (19)Becky @ Olives n Wine says

    Brilliant!! I made cinnamon rolls awhile back and included sweet potato as a secret ingredient – I didn’t tell my coworkers when I brought them into the office and the entire batch was devoured in less than an hour 🙂


  12. Healthy Sweet Potato Brownies Recipe | Healthy Snack (20)Linz @ Itz Linz says

    so sweet potatoes are the magical ingredient!! i tried to make black bean brownies once and royally messed them up and my husband does not let me live that down!! so i might need to try these to redeem myself!! (and not tell him of course… until after!)


  13. Healthy Sweet Potato Brownies Recipe | Healthy Snack (22)Coco says

    I think the pumpkin brownies work well, so these should be great too.


  14. Healthy Sweet Potato Brownies Recipe | Healthy Snack (23)misszippy says

    Awesome recipe! Thanks for creating it and sharing it–I’m all over this!


  15. Healthy Sweet Potato Brownies Recipe | Healthy Snack (24)Kat says



  16. Healthy Sweet Potato Brownies Recipe | Healthy Snack (26)Mileage Mama says

    These look yummy. But what is the quantity of chocolate chips to stir in?


    • Healthy Sweet Potato Brownies Recipe | Healthy Snack (27)Lindsay says

      as many as you want! i used about 2/3 cup


      • Healthy Sweet Potato Brownies Recipe | Healthy Snack (28)Mileage Mama says

        As many as I want? I’m guessing two bags would be a bit much. 🙂


  17. Healthy Sweet Potato Brownies Recipe | Healthy Snack (29)Meghan @ After the Ivy League says

    Pinned this recipe, these look so good! I love the simple, healthy list of ingredients too!


  18. Healthy Sweet Potato Brownies Recipe | Healthy Snack (30)Alysia @ Slim Sanity says

    another reason to buy a food processor…. 🙂


  19. Healthy Sweet Potato Brownies Recipe | Healthy Snack (31)Laura @ Mommy Run Fast says

    Since severely slashing sugar from our diet the last few years, it’s amazing how our taste buds have changed. Neither my husband and I can eat the super sweet desserts anymore, but this sounds fantastic! All my favorite ingredients. And I’m LOVING Nutzo, too!


  20. Healthy Sweet Potato Brownies Recipe | Healthy Snack (32)Jaren@Kiwi Fit Blog says

    I can’t even begin to express how much of a brownie fan I am! Hot brownies with ice cream!! Omg!
    So can not wait to try this!


  21. Healthy Sweet Potato Brownies Recipe | Healthy Snack (33)Laura @ Sprint 2 the Table says

    I was so excited for this recipe! I love Nuttzo. And sweet potatoes. Funny – I got sick of everything else during my competition prep, but sweet potatoes I still crave.


  22. Healthy Sweet Potato Brownies Recipe | Healthy Snack (36)Josie says

    Oh yeah this looks and sounds delicious! I must try this. Sweet potato + brownie = warm and sweet comfort food!

    Lately I discover that it’s very possible to bake sweet desserts or muffins without adding any sugar or oil (inspired by you, Lindsay!) that calls for sweet potato and banana. I add chocolate whey protein powder to make it taste better plus extra protein to boost. Win-win as protein muffin and dessert altogether!


  23. Healthy Sweet Potato Brownies Recipe | Healthy Snack (37)Ja @Ja on the RUN says

    I have been waiting for this since you posted this on Instagram! Thanks!!! 🙂


  24. Healthy Sweet Potato Brownies Recipe | Healthy Snack (38)Tamara says

    You are the most creative chef I know!
    Thanks for another winning recipe; pinned and definitely making these for ‘dessert night’ at my house!


  25. Healthy Sweet Potato Brownies Recipe | Healthy Snack (39)Becky@TheSavedRunner says

    Oh my goodness I will have to try to make these for my fiance! But like you said, I won’t tell him what goes in them until after he tries it 😉


  26. Healthy Sweet Potato Brownies Recipe | Healthy Snack (40)Heather (Where's the Beach) says

    Oh those sound really interesting – love how few ingredients the recipe calls for too!


  27. Healthy Sweet Potato Brownies Recipe | Healthy Snack (41)Jennifer F says

    Yummers! Sounds TDF!


  28. Healthy Sweet Potato Brownies Recipe | Healthy Snack (42)Lindsay @FitandAwesome says

    Wow, these sound really good. I’m going to have to try them out this weekend. I have been melting a little almond butter on top of these banana quinoa muffins I make, and it’s soooo good. I bet it’s delicious mixed with some chocolate chips.


  29. Healthy Sweet Potato Brownies Recipe | Healthy Snack (44)Tanya says

    These look amazing! I bet they would be gone in a day at my house.


  30. Healthy Sweet Potato Brownies Recipe | Healthy Snack (46)Danica @ It's Progression says

    yum!! I love brownies, but you’re right, most recipes are far from healthier versions…I’ll definitely have to give these a try!
    p.s. In an evil (or maybe really good?!) sort of way, I LOVE bringing healthier versions of desserts to my family gatherings and not telling them what “secret” ingredients are in them hehe 🙂


  31. Healthy Sweet Potato Brownies Recipe | Healthy Snack (47)jobo says

    I NEED these in my life! best idea eVER!


  32. Healthy Sweet Potato Brownies Recipe | Healthy Snack (48)Kim @ Hungry Healthy Girl says

    I absolutely love every ingredient in these!! I want to make them right now!!


  33. Healthy Sweet Potato Brownies Recipe | Healthy Snack (49)janetha says

    These look sooo good–I love the texture sweet potato gives to baked goods.


  34. Healthy Sweet Potato Brownies Recipe | Healthy Snack (50)Jody - Fit at 55 says

    HOLY YUM!! I LOVE Nutzzo too so delish!!!!


  35. Healthy Sweet Potato Brownies Recipe | Healthy Snack (51)She Rocks Fitness says

    How redunkulous is Nuttzo??? It’s the best and seriously don’t go a day with a heaping T. 🙂 These brownies looks so good…Thanks for sharing!


  36. Healthy Sweet Potato Brownies Recipe | Healthy Snack (52)Dallas says

    These look great! I really love brownies but also dislike how unhealthy many brownie recipes are … you can bet I’ll be trying these babies out! Thanks for all the amazing recipes, Lindsay! I am always so impressed by your healthy eats!


  37. Healthy Sweet Potato Brownies Recipe | Healthy Snack (53)E @ adventure of E says

    Get in my belly!!
    These are paleo, too! Hurray! I’ll be trying these out VERY soon!


  38. Healthy Sweet Potato Brownies Recipe | Healthy Snack (54)Kammie @ Sensual Appeal says

    Holyyyyy moly!! And they are naturally sweetened too?!? Is this real life 😉
    IN. LOVE!


  39. Healthy Sweet Potato Brownies Recipe | Healthy Snack (55)Karey @ Nutty About Health says

    They look awesome!! Can’t wait to try them, but I have a major sweet tooth, so thanks for the tip about the frosting. 🙂


  40. Healthy Sweet Potato Brownies Recipe | Healthy Snack (56)Jan @ Sprouts n Squats says

    These look incredible! I will definitely be giving these a go 🙂


  41. Healthy Sweet Potato Brownies Recipe | Healthy Snack (57)Kelly @ Nosh And Nourish says

    I love how cake-like and light/fluffy they look… and am surprised they turned out that way with the addition of the sweet potato! You go girl… I have dates and a sweet potato on the counter begging to be made into brownies — stat.


  42. Healthy Sweet Potato Brownies Recipe | Healthy Snack (58)Victoria @ Reluctantly Skinny says

    sounds delicious! i love dessert food that’s actually healthy – then i don’t feel guilt about having seconds..and thirds!!


  43. Healthy Sweet Potato Brownies Recipe | Healthy Snack (60)Kayla @ Blondes Have More Run says

    You are brilliant! There is not one bad ingredient in these, and they look amazing! I can’t wait to try them.


  44. Healthy Sweet Potato Brownies Recipe | Healthy Snack (61)Carrie says

    Such a creative idea!! I am a huge sucker for sweet potato, so these are right up my alley!


  45. Healthy Sweet Potato Brownies Recipe | Healthy Snack (62)Elle says

    I am pretty sure I love you!


  46. Healthy Sweet Potato Brownies Recipe | Healthy Snack (63)Amanda says

    I made these yesterday and they are BY FAR the best brownies I’ve ever had!!! Thank you so much for bringing these into my life! 🙂 EVERYONE MUST TRY THESE! YOU WON’T BE DISAPPOINTED!


  47. Healthy Sweet Potato Brownies Recipe | Healthy Snack (64)Sarah K. @ The Pajama Chef says

    i love pumpkin brownies so i’m sure these are great too! wonderful idea 🙂


  48. Healthy Sweet Potato Brownies Recipe | Healthy Snack (65)Nutmeg Nanny says

    Wow! I’m so intrigued by this recipe, I have to try this 🙂


  49. Healthy Sweet Potato Brownies Recipe | Healthy Snack (66)Jess @ JessieBear What Will You Wear? says

    Hahahahahah omg I always make recipes and don’t tell my friends whats in it. These look AMAZING btw! I’m going to add them to my weekly recipe round up on my blog so be on the lookout for that on Tuesday 😉


  50. Healthy Sweet Potato Brownies Recipe | Healthy Snack (67)MJ says

    Do you think these could be made w/ carob powder and carob chips? I can’t have chocolate. I know the taste wouldn’t be exactly the same, but I would think carob would complement the sweet potato (or pumpkin if you used that) quite well. Anyone tried it?


  51. Healthy Sweet Potato Brownies Recipe | Healthy Snack (68)Lisa says

    I added one more egg and baked for 30 minutes… A bit more fudgy and delish. Thank you!


  52. Healthy Sweet Potato Brownies Recipe | Healthy Snack (69)Susan says

    Does it matter what kind of nut butter we use? I’m not real familiar with the nut butter family beyond PB, and I’m not even sure that counts 🙂 I so want to make these and watch people eat them without knowing what they’re made with!


    • Healthy Sweet Potato Brownies Recipe | Healthy Snack (70)Lindsay says

      i always use peanut butter. i think almond butter or sunflower seed butter would work just fine.


  53. Healthy Sweet Potato Brownies Recipe | Healthy Snack (71)Virginia says

    Hi! I just stumbled upon your blog and I must say I LOVE IT! I would love to make these sweet potato brownies but I’m allergic to nuts and both your versions call for 3/4 cup of nut butter, do you know of anything I could change that for? Thanks!😊😊


    • Healthy Sweet Potato Brownies Recipe | Healthy Snack (72)Lindsay says

      you could try sunbutter (sunflowerseed butter) or wowbutter (soynutbutter)!


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Healthy Sweet Potato Brownies Recipe | Healthy Snack (2024)
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